Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Texting Is Becoming Popular Among Teenagers Essay

In today’s era, one of the major forms of communication is â€Å"Texting† and it is becoming popular among teenagers. More and more weight is being placed on it and it has become a â€Å"must have† in today’s culture. Statistics shows that texting is mostly used among twelve to seventeen years’ olds in the United States and is continuing to grow in people of all ages (Purcell, Buchanan, and Friedrich 12). People of all ages are â€Å"glued† to their mobile phones every day, wherever they are and whatever they are doing, they are either texting, chatting, or using some sort of a social media site. With the significant increase in the amount of texting, it has been proven that texting could â€Å"heighten the tendency among students to adopt non-standard uses and contracted forms of English words in their classwork† (Dansieh 222). However, utilizing wrong grammar, shortened words, and misspellings during the use of social media and tex ting has been formally adopted in the proper English language as well and is also being utilized in our education system. When Nicholas Carr posed the question â€Å"Is Google making us stupid?† he raised some flags about how life is being changed by the Internet and ignited an important debate. In his book, Carr describes how various innovations shaped the mind over time. Angela Risto, in her The Impact of Texting and Social Media on Students Academic Writing Skills, describes how there is fear that students will adopt their bad habits in writing from texting andShow MoreRelatedThe New Popular Form Of Communication Among Teenagers1544 Words   |  7 Pageshas now become the new popular form of communication among teenagers. Texting has a long-lasting influence on people and how they communicate with each other. 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